Turning 50

Turning 50
Maybe this was what started it all? That's me on the right.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

New experiences driving on the wrong side of the road

After spending a couple of days in Lille (which is OK but I could miss it next time round), I headed off to Villefranche, just north of Lyon. (I am still slowly making my way down to Tuscany). This seems to be a much nicer part of the world which I will have a quick tour of tomorrow morning before I head off to Genoa (it is one place I will come back to when I am not obliged to be somewhere else).
Today was a day of interesting experiences as I navigated the French motorway system southward. For some reason, these things did not become a problem on my first day driving in France, and they certainly did not occur to me to think about before I actually encountered them. For instance, who would have thought about how you might reach the automatic toll ticket dispensing machines when there is only one of you in the car and you are on the side furthest from the dispenser??? I ended up getting out of the car and collecting my ticket each time. It's all very well collecting the ticket, but the same problem arises when you reach the end of the road and have to pay - you have to climb out of the car again. Just as well the toll booths, which are unmanned, are under cover. Then you have to have the means to pay the toll. I ran out of coins after the first tollbooth so I was all set to pay with a credit card or a note the next time but, my credit card wasn't acceptable to the machine and nor was my 50 Euro note (which was all I had). I had quite a queue behind me by the time I was rescued by a friendly truck driver who spoke no English but seemed willing to help me out. I think he just wanted to get going but he was very polite about the holdup and he soon got me moving again.
The second interesting experience was having to drive in what felt like blizzard conditions - I exaggerate, but there was quite a bit of snow around and I was a bit nervous about driving in that since I have never driven in snow before. As well, there was plenty of heavy rain and those huge trucks throw up enormous amounts of water as you try to pass them, so much so that I often felt like I was driving blind - it was a case of aim the car in the right place and just drive - not a very safe way of driving but at least the roads are straight, unlike our own roads, so you can't go too far wrong. Nevertheless my stomach was in my mouth each time I attempted it, which became less and less the more I did it.
Anyway, I made it to Villefranche and since I hadn't done my laundry in Lille, that was my first chore. While I was waiting for it, I took a stroll (always a dangerous thing because as you know, I am prone to getting lost) along Rue Victor Hugo which seems to be one of the main streets of the town. It is very pretty and I am looking forward to seeing it in a bit more detail tomorrow and taking a few photos. I even got back to my hotel without losing myself even once - go Helen!

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