Turning 50

Turning 50
Maybe this was what started it all? That's me on the right.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

I Made It To Scotland

Well it was a long haul to get here but I finally made it. All I can say is, thank goodness for sleeping pills!
Emirates is a pretty good airline and their food is great. The short hop from Christchurch to Sydney was easy despite the full plane (yes there were several babies on board too, which made for a fairly noisy flight). The next leg from Sydney to Dubai was somewhat more challenging. I got an aisle seat in the middle of the plane, right next to the toilet, alongside 3 other passengers and sharing such a small space with people you don't know for 15 hours is not something I recommend. Anyway, I had yet another meal and then took my sleeping pill and slept for 8 hours so it wasn't quite so bad.
We arrived in Dubai at 5.30am and had to wait until 7.50am for the flight to Glasgow. I didn't think I would enjoy that but actually I met up with a clothing buyer (Aust/Spanish) on her way to Milan for shopping and a facility manager (American) who was on his way home from Iraq and we had coffee (read coke) and chatted until we nearly missed the connection. This flight was great - I had 4 seats to myself so I ate (yet again) and then slept for a couple of hours, arriving in Glasgow about midday.
I caught my train to Edinburgh but it didn't stop at the station where Lyss was waiting to meet me so I had to hop off at the next stop and catch another train back to Haymarket. (Sounds worse than it was but actually it is only 3 minutes down the line and so I managed to get back to her quite quickly and she was smart enough to stay put til I got there!)
She took me to collect my car from where Christopher had parked it and I followed her back to Christopher & Leigh's place before she had to dash off to work. I was left to find my way up to their lovely little flat (& I do mean little - but good things come in small packages and this is no exception) Thank goodness Lyss took my bag up - I could not have carried it up and got myself up there too. It is on the top floor of the building and there is no lift.
When Christopher and Leigh got home from work, we went out and got a GPS so I can find my own way around, had a late dinner and an early night, which I desperately needed.

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